How To Use Angle Brackets

If you’re undertaking a project that requires you to install brackets or braces, but you aren’t sure how to, then keep reading – we have quick and easy installation instructions for all of the most popular types of braces and brackets!

How to install handrail brackets

Handrail brackets are used to hold handrails on staircases in place.

To install a handrail bracket, follow these easy steps:

  1. Measure an equal distance up from the top and bottom stair nose, and mark a line that runs parallel to the stairs at this height. This line is to mark where the brackets will be fixed to the wall, so make sure it’s a little bit lower than you want your handrail to actually sit.
  2. Use a stud finder to locate the studs in the wall. Mark over the studs with a pencil – this is where you’ll be installing the brackets, as they need to be secured to the studs to carry the weight of the rail.
  3. Once you’ve found all of the studs, place your brackets over the markings you made and mark through the screw holes.
    TOP TIP: You can use a level to make sure the marks are straight.
  4. Once you’re happy that all of your markings are straight, drill a single pilot hole for each bracket. Do not drill all of the pilot holes yet – you want to make sure that the handrail sits correctly first!
  5. You can now begin to attach the brackets to the wall. You should do this using only one screw for each bracket, and secure them loosely so that they can be easily removed if the handrail is not sitting correctly.
  6. Rest the handrail on top of the brackets. If it sits right, then tighten the screws you have already fixed and install the rest of the screws.

And just like that, you’ll have all your handrail brackets installed and ready for the handrail to be affixed!

Click here to shop our handrail brackets.

How to install corner braces

Corner braces are used to strengthen the perpendicular join between two materials in a corner, as the name suggests. They’re easy to install – simply follow the steps below:

  1. Hold your brace to the corner in which you’ll be installing it and mark through the screw holes with a pencil.
  2. Where you’ve made markings, drill a small pilot hole. Be careful not to drill through to the other side of the material!
  3. Now all you have to do is replace the corner brace and fix it into place.

It really is as easy as that!

Click here to shop our corner braces.

How to use angle brackets

Angle brackets are used for corners, like corner braces, but they are instead used to join two materials rather than reinforcing the existing join.

To install an angle bracket, follow these steps:

  1. Hold the angle bracket to the materials you will be fixing into. Make sure there are no gaps between the bracket and the two materials, as this will create uneven tension and a weaker join.
  2. Mark through the screw holes using a pencil.
  3. Remove the bracket and drill pilot holes where you have marked with your pencil.
  4. Replace the bracket and line it up over the holes. Fix into the pilot holes to secure the bracket, and repeat the steps as needed to create a strong join between the two materials.

Click here to shop our angle brackets.  

To shop our full range of braces and brackets, click here.

If you have a question that wasn’t in this article, please do not hesitate to contact our team.